Blog and Ideas
May 22, 2012
By Jorge Chávez

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is a management style and strategy that encompasses practices, actions and systems to improve the social environment.

Corporate Social Responsibility

A few years ago on a visit to Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City, it was interesting to note that the signs warning not to feed the animals were provided by McDonald's.

The funny thing is that the fast food chain was the only company with a strong presence throughout the park, with a full restaurant in the area and several kiosks selling desserts in different locations.

Surely McDonald's pays a large sum of money for these locations; however, their display for the well-being of the animals generated a sense of “good-will” from park visitors rather than seeing the company as an excessive presence.  This is a good example of what a Social Responsibility can create for a company.

Social Responsibility includes several internal and external aspects. The first is aimed at employees, staff, shareholders and partners. The second focuses on customers, suppliers, workers' families and the social environment.

Social Responsibility in Business is not a fashion or philanthropy or activism. It is a management style and strategy that encompasses practices, actions and systems that ideally lead to improvement in:
• The quality of working life
• The business community to which it is related
• The environment (to us all)
Responsible marketing (clear communication strategies, understandable, legal, ethical and truthful)
Business ethics

Here in Puerto Vallarta, many beachfront hotels are doing their part to conserve sea turtles that every year visit our beaches. Not only have they built turtle refuges but have also implemented a strategy of conservation that educates both tourists and locals about these creatures. When it comes to releasing hatchlings, the children of guests, employees and the general community are invited to participate in the memorable moment.

These are key actions that remain not only in the minds of tourists (who are impressed with the ecological responsibility of the hotel), but also employees are happier to work for your company that they see making a positive contribution to the world.

Jorge Chavez is a Senior Editor Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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