Blog and Ideas
February 9, 2013
By Jorge Chávez

The Social Customer

The Social Customer is not a new customer but they represent the evolution of traditional customers.

The Social Customer

The Social Customer is not a new customer but they represent the evolution of traditional customers. Modern tools have changed the interaction and communication between companies and customers. And those tools give a voice, a strong voice, to customers this is capable of damaging the reputation of our company.

Who is the Social Customer?

+ The Social Customer is informed due to the vast source of information available on the Internet.

+ The Social Customer uses their social networks and their trusted sources (friends, family or other connections) as references, and asks questions about if our product or service is satisfactory.

+ The Social Customer is hyper-connected between their personal networks, business networks, chats, emails, text messages, blogs, forums, phone, etc., and as a company, we must be aware of all these channels.

+ If the service was not good or the product does not work, the Social Customer complains publicly via a tweet, a blog, a post on Facebook and/or other sources.

+ But if our product or service is excellent and satisfies the customer, the Social Customer uses the same tools to speak publicly about their positive experiences with us.

All Web 2.0 tools are already being used by the Social Customer, whether we as a company are using them or not, and if he wants to talk about our brand (for better or worse), he will. So it is up to us to adapt to these new tools and become more interactive with the Social Customer.

Jorge Chavez is Senior Editor at Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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