Blog and Ideas
November 21, 2012
By Víctor Ramos

Twitter Abbreviations

Mijo! Brands provides an overview of commonly used abbreviations on Twitter.

Twitter Abbreviations

With one of the largest active users database of over 140 million, Twitter has become a communication system that links people all around the world.

One of the principal characteristics of this social network is the fact that a published message can’t exceed the 140 characters in length, including spaces.

To create messages and communicate ideas within this specification, users make use of tools like url shorteners and abbreviations. In a lot of tweets you’ll find abbreviations that may be very perplexing if you don’t know the intended meaning. Mijo! Brands gives you a brief overview of the most popular abbreviations used on Twitter, so you’ll understand your tweets loud and clear:

RT: ReTweet – The tweet you are reading is a copy of a tweet made by someone else earlier.

DM: Direct Message – A type of message that only the user who is sending it and the receiver will be able to read.

MT: Modified Tweet – A tweet that it was originally a ReTweet but it was modified by adding or subtracting something.

@: At – To answer or address someone specifically.

TT: Trending Topic – A popular topic on the social network at a specific time.

FB: Facebook.

BFN: Bye for now.

EM: e-mail.

FTF: Face to face.

TMI: Too much information.

TY: Thank you.

NSFW: Not suitable for work.

Have you ever used some of these abbreviations? Which ones?

Click here to read more current trends.


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