Blog and Ideas
October 30, 2020
By David Soffer

Measuring and iteration during the end of the world

Know the 3 fundamental principles of optimization of work teams that will help you achieve your goals.

Measuring and iteration during the end of the world

Something that I have learned after devising and implementing hundreds of marketing strategies with our clients is the importance of being able to measure even the smallest detail of our work. And I’m not just referring to the KPIs or results that are expected when launching a campaign or posting on social networks. I am also referring to the measurement of the work carried out not only internally in the agency, but also in collaboration with the work teams of our clients.

This good habit not only adds a lot of value to companies to improve and optimize operations and strategies, it can also greatly benefit work teams to detect incidents, patterns and new and higher quality standards in the work performed. We call this type of constant improvement over time iterating, which is nothing more than repeating a process several times with the intention of reaching a desired goal, improvement or optimization. Each of these repetitions must start where the previous one ends, that is, it is intended that the next iteration is already dominated by the variable that led to the previous iteration.

In my experience being in charge of coordinating the internal team, as well as the work teams of our clients, I have noticed that measuring 3 variables or principles can substantially change the experience and performance of a group of people to turn them into a high-performing team.

Now, I will share these fundamentals for you to evaluate your situation or your advertising campaign:

  • Communication: Having an efficient communication tool doesn’t mean the proper use of WhatsApp or Teams. It means that your work team must have the necessary platforms to measure meetings, time invested in them and whether they were necessary or not; As well as how much communication can be improved with the delivery of more explained and objective tasks and how many errors can be corrected if information is shared on time, just to name a few. That is to say, it is vitally important to keep in mind that any message that your team, company or even campaign seeks to communicate, must be perfectly measured throughout the communication model (sender, receiver, message …).
  • Task monitoring: It is very important to locate tasks in time and space. However, measuring the creation period of any asset in your operation is even more important. This might seem logical at first glance. However, the better you measure the delayed, advanced, paused and executed tasks, the more information you will have to make work tasks more efficient, quote with your suppliers or improve the experience of your potential client.
  • Feedback: More than feedback, what you should measure are the areas of opportunity that are generated by providing feedback to your team or agency. Think very well which element was the one that generated an error or a hit. This has to be identifiable, measurable and locatable in time. It is not much use to give feedback to your work team if you do not indicate what change you expect from them and in what period of time.

As you can see, measurement leads to analysis, analysis to learning, and learning to iteration. In this “end of the world -as we know it-“ era, companies must take into account measurement and constant iteration as the fundamental basis of their operation.

At Mijo! Brands, a leading creative agency in digital marketing, with a presence in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta, we have a multidisciplinary team of professionals that stands out for putting into practice appropriate methods to optimize their work and coordinate, in turn, with the work teams of our clients towards the common goal of positioning brands.

David Soffer is Community Manager and E-Commerce Executive. A Bachelor of Communication Sciences graduate from the Technological University of Mexico UNITEC, complemented by courses in editorial design, photography and digital marketing. David has a vocation of service focused on the client and knowledge of human nature, a vision developed along his path via diverse companies with different cultures and degrees of attention. A loyal lover, who only engages in affairs with literature or through the lens of a camera that in his free time refines him as an independent photographer.


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