Brand comunication

Give your Creator’s Block Some Rhythm

By José Sánchez

November 15, 2018

You have spent hours banging your head without being able to conjure an imaginative idea for an attractive, original and interesting project.

You take a long walk, a cup of your favorite hot drink or you try to find the inspiration needed in a book, but nothing works… Yet there’s still a solution that has not only served humanity to communicate, but is also a source of re-inspiration throughout history: Music.

Listening to your favorite song can help you increase your concentration, change your mood, leave behind the creator’s block and isolate your from the environment in order to connect with the tasks that you must perform quickly and often in a more efficient way.

Therefore, let us give you some tips that will surely help you choose the perfect music for that moment in which you need to hone-in-on the best of your talent at the office:

Choose the right music for your mood. You may love reggaeton and moving your hips to the sound of it is your hidden talent, but probably the kind of music you associate with other activities will end up distracting you in the office. Sometimes songs that you don’t know, or that you don’t have a particular relationship to, can help you create a tunnel vision that prevents your brain from chasing squirrels at the park when what you actually need is to put the finishing touches on a project.

Music with intense beats can help you accelerate your rhythm. Think of High Energy, or marches and allegros of “classical” music, and pretty much any piece with a lot of instruments, which can help you accelerate your work rhythm for certain periods. Let’s go! It is not as if you are going to become this robot that follows the rhythm of music for long workdays, but you can use it as a tool to step on the gas at key moments.

Instrumental pieces are always a good option. Soft jazz and light classics work perfect to break the routine. However, jazz improvisation or more intense pieces can be overwhelming after a while.

Create your own playlists. Music is a mirror of our personality and nowadays we have the advantage of having access to different types of applications to create that playlist that awakens your creativity, helps you find inspiration to write, lifts your spirits on a  heavy Monday morning, helps you build your strategy for your next client, or simply connects with you.

Spotify, YouTube Music, Google Play Music, iTunes, and many other applications will help you organize your local or online libraries. You also have access to other users’ playlists created with specific purposes … What’s to lose?

Although, initially these platforms were created with entertainment purposes and to be shared with your friends or family, even creating collaborative playlists, now more than ever, we have tools to recreate our emotions and generate moods that help us be more productive.

Here at Mijo! Brands, we believe in the power of music to generate these environments and put you in the right mood, and for almost a year now we have been launching every now and then playlists that share the essence of festivities and seasons of the year. We do this with the intension to grow the relationships with our audience, communicating that despite the diversity of our team, music gives rhythm to our lives (click here). This is just one of the many uses we think that can be applied to the tools in the digital world, and that we can apply in your digital strategy. Contact us today to tell us about your projects and we’ll design the most effective ways to connect with your consumers.

José Sánchez is a Community Manager at Mijo! Brands, a creative agency leader in digital marketing based in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta with international customers.

As a content creator, José is not afraid to rely on diverse elements and strategies convinced that the only limit is his own creativity. He graduated with a B.A. degree in Advertising and Media from the Technological University of Mexico UNITEC. He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Multimedia Design. He’s the first born of triplets, and his character has been forged by the necessity to differentiate himself. Playing soccer is just one of the sports he enjoys along with outdoor activities, walking his golden retrievers and an afternoon with good company, and if it’s the right company, it could end up with a session of Netflix and chill.