Brand comunication

How to Split Your Social Ads Budget

By Guillermo Lamphar

June 23, 2017

Determining the correct platforms for your communication is one thing and determining the budget that you will use in every type of advertisement within your key platforms, is another. If like, in many other things in marketing, there is no golden rule that applies to every company at every moment, determining the correct allocation of budget and reviewing/optimizing it over time is fundamental to obtaining the greatest benefit from social networks as a channel.

For practical reasons, we will focus on Facebook, as the network with the most developed advertising platform and because the rest of the networks, with specific formats, share similar objectives.

The Budget for each type of advertisement may vary according to many different factors. Remember how we said each case is unique? But, in general, you can guide yourself by these two aspects.

• Technological affinity

• The moment in the development of the company

By technological affinity we understand how dependent a product or company is on the actions developed digitally or through technological platforms; let’s say, a website.

For example, due to the fact that Amazon exclusively sells online (at least in Mexico), the major part of their budget may be dedicated to an advertisement whose purpose is to get clicks (visits) to the website.

An example of budget distribution in Facebook, a company of sales online.

Independent budget

Depending on the moment that your company or product finds itself, it is recommendable to choose one or the other advertising objective. If your company is in the early stages of development and its recognition is not yet very big, it is recommended to invest in objectives related to branding (obtaining a Like or interaction). On the other hand, if the company is recognized and it already has a certain positioning in the market, it is best to use a larger part of the budget in more strategic objectives for this stage, such as website traffic (depending on your technological affinity), calls, or how to get there?

An example of budget distribution on Facebook. A restaurant without reservation online.

Independent budget

Based on these two examples you can establish a functional budget distribution. As we said at the beginning-and we’ll say it again-not all companies are equal, nor all products or sectors.

You should take certain factors into account, such as:

All these aspects and the analysis of information will provide you with a clearer perspective to where you should invest in social networks, but if you want to be sure of the results and save yourself this process leaving it in the hands of experts, contact us to administrate your campaigns online. We would be happy to collaborate!

Guillermo Lamphar is Community Manager at Mijo! Brands, a leading creative agency in CDMX and Puerto Vallarta. Visit us at or contact us