Brand comunication

What Is Transmedia for Your Brand and why do You Want It?

By Guillermo Lamphar

May 13, 2016

Although “transmedia” may seem like a very complex concept, its simplest definition is quite clear. Transmedia, or transmedia storytelling, is the art of communicating a story using different formats and mediums, including interactive platforms, with the purpose of creating a coordinated message that remains etched in the minds of consumers and an experience that is directly linked with the brand.

Why does it work?

How is it done?

A well-known example of transmedia is the release of the film “The Blair Witch Project”. To publicize the film, a word-of-mouth campaign was launched through press, websites and blogs, which quickly generated huge interest several months even before the film was released. In fact, the first reports which appeared were rumors that the film was a real documentary and that the protagonists really had disappeared and died mysteriously.

All this seemed quite realistic with false information being leaked to the press announcing the disappearance of the characters and showing photographs of their apparently missing vehicle.  This is a great example of a well-executed advertising transmedia campaign taking a low-budget, $22,000 USD film to a successful blockbuster pulling in $248 million in revenue.

Mijo! Brands has an extensive network of partners and internal talent in areas such as Social Media, Web Design and Development and Content Strategies to ensure that your transmedia campaign is a success.

Guillermo Lamphar is Senior Community Manager at Mijo! Brands, a leading digital agency with offices in CDMX and Puerto Vallarta. For more information contact us.