
Is it worth it to change your domain name?

By Salvador Morales

February 17, 2015

There comes a point in the life of a web project in which you will have to decide whether to change your domain name, just the extension (.com, .mx etc) or the entire name.

Marketing on line today is based primarily on the brand: To bet on a brand based on strategy and basic concepts of marketing will assure you decisive success for your company. This is why, if you decide to change your domain, considering an extension such as .com is important to ensure that your brand is positioned around the world in the future.

Think about the following when you are considering a new domain name:• Easy to remember• As short as possible• Consider similarities in pronunciation• Type your name quickly on the keyboard (and on mobile units) to see if there are any obvious possibilities of misspelling


For an on-line business, your domain is equivalent to your brand. All businesses have a brand, it is necessary to create one, preserve it, position it and take it to the maximum level of quality and prestige. This is why, if you are changing your domain every 6 months or even every year, it indicates you are trying to hide something (a bad reputation or legal problems, etc.) With time, your brand aquires faithful customers and they can recommend your product.

“Retaining a client is 7 times cheaper than trying to capture a new one.”

In conclusion, changing your domain is a dangerous move, as you will relinquish all your history as an online brand. For this reason, we recommend you follow this brief strategy to change your domain adequately in the event your brand fulfills the following criteria:

• You have a young brand• The change of brand name will not affect your clients• Requires a change in your general marketing strategy• The reputation that your brand has cannot be salvaged in any way

Have you changed your domain name? Tell us a little about your experience below.

Written by Salvador Morales for Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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