Brand comunication

The Farce of Virgin Tacos

By Salvador Morales

November 04, 2014

After exploding on the internet, it seems that Virgin Tacos Mexico is a farce created by a blogger or publicist that resulted in a high impact on the web.

The news spread throughout various web media on Tuesday, October 21st, 2014. A statement accompanied by a logo that said Virgin Tacos with colors and typography very similar to those used by Virgin Mobile group said: “The multinational British company announced it will open a new business in Mexico with the Virgin Tacos franchise seeking to position them in the Casual Dining segment nationwide. Over the next five years, Virgin Tacos will invest approximately $1,350'000,000 pesos.”

The next morning, the public relations agency Eureka, representing Virgin Mobile group in Mexico, sent a response to the media said, “Unfortunately we are lousy cooking Mexican food. We have no connection with Virgin Tacos.”

A website that had the domain “” seemed to confirm this news, but at the time the relevant research was conducted, it turned out that this site was launched on October 15th, 2014 by a person identified as Manuel Suarez Lerma, who left an email and a phone number but could not be reached.

The domain, the email host, refers to an advertising agency based in the United States.

Was this an advertising campaign? Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin brand, is known for his unconventional advertising methods. We wait to hear more.

Written by Salvador Morales for Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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