
Creative Labs

By Jorge Chávez

July 04, 2014

It is a legacy hated by big companies that come to dominate their area of expertise. Once they achieve success they experience difficulties in continuing to innovate and neither Facebook nor Google have been the exception.

It is difficult to see the last real innovation by Facebook in recent months, since the company has been buying Instagram, WhatsApp or Oculus Rift instead of developing their own innovations.

Apparently Facebook acknowledged the problem which led to the creation of Creative Labs which is formed by small teams that will be given the freedom to work exclusively on mobile applications.

In an attempt to innovate, the company founded by Mark Zuckerberg is taking a path more focused but less daring than Google.

Google has invested huge amounts of money on Google X, the division in charge of projects like the car that drives itself and Loon Project (which aims to bring wireless Internet throughout the world through balloons).

Although these projects may not report earnings in the short term, the internet giant, Google, can afford to take on these investments and allow engineers to use company resources as they deem most appropriate.

While the business of Facebook seems to be threatened by any college geek with talent, Google is more secure, insuring its success in the near future, although many of its new concepts are just dreams of the engineers that no users will be able to or want to buy.

If the plans of both companies are successful, there will come a time when neither Facebook nor Google looks like they do today. Will they still be everywhere and in all aspects of our lives? Leave me your comments further down and start the debate.

Jorge Chavez is Senior Editor at Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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