
5 Apps that Should Exist

By Jorge Chávez

June 09, 2014

In the vast world of software, it seems like there is an app available for pretty much every imaginable need you may encounter. Today, competition in the app market is steep and if developers want to be successful they need to ensure that their app is unique and offers value to the user, if there is any chance of success.

Mijo! Brands recently developed C!ne (an app that give full theater listings in Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit), and during the creative development stage, the team came up with a list of apps that really should exist!

1. Boss RadarThe Brazil World Cup 2014 is just around the corner and we all know that game times are going to be happening during work hours. This app would allow you to stream the games in peace, safe in the knowledge that you will be alerted whenever your boss is within 100 meters, so you can get your computer screen looking all business.

2. Briefing RecordsIt's the Monday morning meeting but you still have your head in the weekend and can't concentrate on what's being said? No problem, this app records everything that goes on at your meeting and transcribes it into point form for your review later.

3. B-DayNever feel guilty again about missing a friend or family member's birthday with the B-Day App that not only sends out a sweet Happy Birthday message on your behalf but also locates the closest bakery so you can swing by and grab a cake.

4. Real Check-InYou're stuck in traffic, lingered over breakfast or just slept and you're late for work again? The app stealthily clocks you in so you can just sneak up the back stairs, and nobody is the wiser.

5. Screen OffIt's Friday after lunch and the hands of the clock are moving painfully slow, so you decide to check out your friend's social media pages to see what the plans are for the weekend… until your supervisor comes behind you and delivers a disciplinary action for wasting valuable company time! With this application, your screen automatically changes to a screen for a Word, PowerPoint or Excel document. You choose.

If they don't already exist, you can be sure they probably are already in development! What are your dream apps that need to be invented? Let us know below!

Jorge Chavez is Senior Editor at Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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