Brand comunication

Ambient Marketing

By Jorge Chávez

March 19, 2014

In recent years we have been victims of a bombardment of advertising from mass media spread across its various channels. Because of this oversaturation, marketing strategies have evolved to find new ways to target emerging markets and one of the most effective is ambient marketing.

Ambient marketing is a combination of creativity with environment. This technique uses unexpected places to convey an advertising message in an interesting way. It avoids using posters, billboards or banners and focuses on everyday objects.

The key to this advertising technique is choosing a suitable place to connect with consumers via a healthy dose of creativity. On many occasions, interaction with consumers is a valuable part of the ambient marketing experience.

Ambient marketing offers a valuable opportunity to exercise less formal language while promoting a brand and allows for a high impact campaign at low cost.

Although many experts consider this to be the future of marketing, do you think this strategy will have negative implications on the environment? Leave me your comments and start the debate.

Jorge Chavez is Senior Editor at Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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