Brand comunication

Coca-Cola in Capsules

By Jorge Chávez

February 17, 2014

Maybe because soda sales have declined due to price increases in recent years or perhaps to develop a new marketing strategy and revolutionize their packaging, Coca-Cola is now investing in selling their products to consumers in capsule form, allowing them to prepare soda at home.

One of the golden rules in the world of advertising and marketing is to constantly innovate according to changes in the marketplace and Coca-Cola is committed to extreme innovation.

Recently it was announced that the brand has purchased 10% of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and invested $1.25 billion to develop a capsule system that will allow consumers to produce Coca-Cola, Diet Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta in the comfort of home.

This new system could be implemented in late 2014 or early 2015, fusing business model SodaStream (an Israeli company that sells a device to convert natural water into sparkling water) and flavored water products.

Beyond the massive investment and groundbreaking way of selling soda, this new marketing strategy combines brand weight distribution and marketing of The Coca-Cola Company with the innovative technology and experience of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters.

Will you be the first to try this new marketing strategy or you are someone who thinks that there is nothing like a cold bottle of Coca-Cola right out of the fridge? Leave me your comments below and start the debate.

Jorge Chávez is Senior Editor at Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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