
5 Fabulous Web Designs

By Jorge Chávez

January 08, 2014

At its most basic, web design is intrinsically linked to the use of typography: to the construction of words, titles and paragraphs. Watching design trends that are emerging in other countries breathes artistic and inventive energy into web design teams.

For a web development and strategy agency, it’s important to seek inspiration from sources globally. In the fast paced world of web design, throwing a wide creative net is key to continuing to create strategies that are innovative and consistent with the objectives of the client and their project.

Here are 5 fabulous web designs that represent cutting edge vision and design techniques, including the use of full screen imagery and purely typographic design:

Château Versailles 

Sonia Rykiel 

The Confection 

Le Graphoir 


Which of these web designs you like most and how do they represent the values of each brand? Tell us what you think in the comments section below!


Jorge Chavez is Senior Editor at Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

More trends on Mijo! Brands.