Brand comunication

The Content Marketing Must Be in Every Digital Strategy

By Jorge Chávez

May 30, 2013

Creating content that an audience likes is hard, and it’s not something that can be done in the matter of minutes. It requires commitment and an ongoing effort to deliver unique and compelling content.

Studies have shown that content needs to be the backbone of every digital strategy and here are some reasons why:

1. Customers trust content, not Ads

Blogging, video, social media, e-books, and guides are just a few types of content that you will see around. But the type of content you use doesn’t really impact the level of trust you have with your audience by much. In fact, the substance within the content is what really differentiates the trust-worthy brands from the rest.

2. Blogging can drive lots of value

When done right, a blog provides businesses with a chance to share value with their target audience while driving demand for their offering. As they develop content for their blog they are building a story and emotion to be associated with their brand. The content a brand develops must be aligned with the needs and wants of their target audience, and be filled with quality insights that support their goals.

3. Content drives meaningful business results

According to Hubspot, companies that spend more than 50% of their lead generation budget on inbound marketing report a significantly lower cost-per-lead. Meaning, the act of generating content for your brand can have a direct impact in the amount of money you’re spending to acquire customers.  

4. Most of your competitors suck at it

Recent studies show that creating original content is seen as the biggest challenge for 69% of content marketers. Brands have an opportunity to use content to stand out in a variety of industries and verticals around the world. This opportunity is one that won’t last forever but is currently presenting brands with a chance to excel and drive revenue.

5. Content marketing is the Future (and Present)

As society moves into the future, we must prepare for the future, today. We must understand that create is only half of the battle, but creating content marketing is drive meaningful and measurable results that requires out of the box thinking.

Jorge Chávez is Senior Editor at Mijo! Brands in Mexico.

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