
2012: The Year in Social Media

By Sylvia McNamee

January 11, 2013

2012 was a huge year for social media as users are becoming more and more plugged in via smartphone, tablet and traditional PC helping social media solidify its place as a massive and mainstream means of daily communication.  Here’s a look at some of the biggest stories of the year.

Facebook: Wow, what a year for this major purveyor of oversharing and cyber-stalking your ex-boyfriends. Facebook reached 1 billion users and had the largest IPO in internet history, peaking at 104 billion dollars.

Instagram: Who knew that this handy site for sharing pictures of your cat would cause such uproar with Facebook and Twitter squaring off like drunk frat boys fighting over the same girl? With a 1 billion dollar right hook, Facebook came out the victor.

Twitter: Proving that Twitter users do much more than just follow Lady Gaga, the American presidential election became the most tweeted about event in U.S political history, logging in an impressive 31 million tweets.

Pintrest: The interest in Pintrest continued to grow exponentially as people went crazy for this cyber bulletin board with users pinning everything from home décor to photos of cats… Yes, there’s always just so many cats on the internet.

YouTube: Gangnam Style blew up on the video sharing network and Korean dance moves were drunkenly replicated at wedding receptions around the globe.

MySpace: Rising from the ashes of social media obscurity, Justin Timberlake, not satisfied to just bring SexyBack, attempts to bring MySpace back, complete with a slick site overhaul.

Sylvia McNamee is Blogger at Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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