
Instagram Changes Privacy Policy

By Jorge Chávez

December 24, 2012

After Facebook acquired Instagram last September for a purchase price of a billion dollars, they have decided to change their privacy policies regarding the more than 5 billion photos stored by users around the world and open that and other data up to advertisers.

Wired magazine immediately issued instructions for users on how to leave Instagram and take their photos with them, while Atlantic magazine published an article explaining the advantages of purchasing paid apps instead of using free services like Instagram.

Chris Taylorsocial networking expert, said that under the new rules “Instagram basically puts your life for sale”.

The new rule comes into effect January 16, 2013 and is bad news for the over 100 million current users.

The new rule has caused the uproar is clearly stated: “You (the user) agree that a business firm or other entity may pay us for the deployment of your user name,, pictures  and any associated metadata), [ …] without compensation to you. “

With this rule in place, in the future anyone could find their photo of themselves, family members or friends being used in advertisements..

Expects have found much to be shocked about with these changes to Instagram’s privacy policy as the extremely popular online service has provided a free photo sharing to millions of people and now clearly seeks to profit from those photos at the expense of user privacy.

You can use a service like Instaport or Softonic to transfer your photos to your computer and delete your Instagram account before January 16, 2013.  While you're at it, you may also want to delete your LinkedIn and Facebook accounts because their privacy policies also contain similar clauses.

The decision is always yours about how important maintaining your online privacy is to you.

Jorge Chavez is Senior Editor at Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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