Brand comunication

Public Relations in Business

By Jorge Chávez

June 07, 2012

At its most basic, Public Relations are the set of actions used to create and maintain a good company image to the general public and the company’s own employees.

These actions may be related to the organization of and possibly participation in events or activities, whether solely by the company or jointly with other institutions.

Examples include cultural events, sports activities, seminars, conferences, social work, charity and welfare projects.

But public relations are not limited to events only. It is communicating and sending information to the media about the company and the events or activities in which it participates or organizes.

The screening of the House Hunters International episode scheduled last Monday May 28 at the famous Daiquiri Dick's in the Romantic Zone, was a testament to the role of Public Relations for several companies in terms of getting behind a good cause.

House Hunters International is a very popular and addictive television program that airs on HGTV and follows individuals, couples and families in their quest for the perfect home in a foreign country. It has over 124 million viewers per episode is one of the most popular real estate programs in history. 

House Hunters International recently filmed in Puerto Vallarta with Timothy Real Estate Group, who provided a wealth of information on the complexities of owning property in Mexico and the local market to potential buyers.

The premiere of the House Hunters International episode filmed in Puerto Vallarta was an excellent opportunity for both Vallarta residents and for tourists to see our beautiful city presented to an international audience as well as benefiting charity.

Each ticket was entered for the possibility to win great raffle prizes (sponsored by several companies) and the funds raised were shared equally by Becas Vallarta AC, Toys for Tots and Asilo San Juan Diego CA.

Jorge Chavez is a Senior Editor Mijo! Brands.

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