Brand comunication

The Importance of Understanding Metrics

By Jorge Chávez

May 25, 2012

Technological development has caused major changes in society, including how we access information. Within the business world, how we access relevant information could determine the success of our company and could dramatically impact productivity or decision making.

Companies know that it is essential to have an online marketing specialist within their teams, so everyday more companies have a post that covers this area. In 2011, 62% of companies had an online marketing specialist and the forecast for 2012 is that 74% of companies will have at least one.

But what happens when we decided to invest in an online strategy to position our business at the top of Google rankings? How do you know if it is really working? And what tools to use to measure results?

Without doubt, the first step in learning to use the metrics of your digital strategy is to understand the importance of knowing the behavior of our website or advertising campaigns. This analysis may become easier and more credible if we choose metrics to determine success or otherwise measure these strategies.

For example, if the goal of our campaign is branding, the metrics to consider are the impressions, total visits, page views, positive feeling in social networks, among others.

But if the goal is related to sales, we can consider other metrics such as leads, contacts made, phone calls, users interested in the products, increased volume of inquiries, etc.

The important thing is to understand that each objective has a set of different metrics that help us understand how we are achieving goals and to stop or modify strategies in time. But simply collecting the metric reports without a deeper understanding of the information gathered will not help to make better business decisions.

Jorge Chavez is a Senior Editor MijoBrands Mexico.

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