
Mijo! Brands Ventures into Journalism

By Mijo! Brands

March 15, 2012

Mijo! Brands, the marketing, communication and brand positioning agency, has been invited to join the regular weekly Vallarta Opina column entitled “Marcando Tendencias.”

Marcando Tendencias” discusses the opportunities and dangers facing entrepreneurs and their businesses in the vast world of communications.

This collaboration between Mijo! Brands and Vallarta Opina will analyze new trends for brands, e-commerce, web strategies, social networking and emerging technologies that may impact the way we do business.

To readers of Vallarta Opina, ”Marcando Tendencias “will report on global trends from a local perspective, helping to provide businesses with the tools they need to navigate the rapid changes within the world of communications.

Daniel Gomez, Partner and Director of Mijo! Brands said he was pleased with this new step for the agency and discussed the importance of reaching a new market through the newspaper.

With this new collaboration, Mijo! Brands again proves itself to be a trendsetter in Puerto Vallarta.

For more news from Mijo! Brands, click here.