
PWA: A New Digital Ally in The Business World

By Ángel Estrada

February 02, 2018

Progressive web applications (PWAs) are a new generation of applications that use the latest web browser technologies to offer a clean experience on mobile devices. They represent an opportunity for businesses looking to improve their relationship with their customers in the digital world.

With this new kind of application, the user does not have to download via the app store, so they do not require an update on each device either; however, they can take advantage of hardware components such as GPS, camera, different sensors, etc.

Virtually any business can benefit from this kind of application. From a news site that can now send notifications to users whenever a new note is added and even filter the news depending on location; to an e-commerce platform, where the PWA would provide a simpler and more intuitive shopping experience. It would serve to notify of promotions, change the status of purchases, enable direct communication with the store, etc.

The Advantages of a PWA:

Your business can also benefit with a PWA. Come to Mijo! Brands, a leading creative digital marketing agency with offices in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta; here we can help you develop a project that will keep you one step ahead of your competition.

Ángel Estrada is a Multimedia Engineer from the University Center of the Coast of the University of Guadalajara. He is a Senior Programmer at Mijo! Brands, with experience in the development of interfaces, user experience and web strategy. He is also in the Junior position of being a father. Born in Aguascalientes, Pata Salada (Puerto Vallartense) by adoption. He loves everything that has to do with technology, is cataloged as a frustrated geek, among other labels as occasional amateur photographer and Marvel Fan.