
Inbound Marketing and Its Automation

By Víctor Ramos

January 12, 2018

With the social change that we’ve been experiencing in recent decades, and seeing much more pronounced in recent years; conventional marketing techniques such as television commercials, telemarketing, and postal service brochures no longer achieve the results they once did. Consumers now tend to ignore what does not immediately capture their attention.

In this context, inbound marketing has positioned itself as a comprehensive strategy based on attracting potential clients with relevant and useful content using non-intrusive techniques, with an intrinsic purpose of guiding them through until they reach the end of a transaction. In short, traditional marketing pursues customers, while inbound marketing attracts them.

To use this strategy effectively, it is necessary to imagine the so-called ideal client: their tastes, what places they visit, their hobbies, etc. Doing this exercise helps to find the correct segmentation from which to start for effective content marketing, because it helps the marketer offer them the  information that adds value and favors their decision making.

Inbound marketing is primarily a digital strategy, which offers the possibility of analyzing results with profound accuracy to make changes and improvements to the overall strategy, even in real time. Therefore, the automation of this whole process results in a tool to consider.

Normally, generating interest in a product or service is not so difficult, but the last step of converting the possible customer into a consumer is where the fine point is, and automation done correctly, can be of great help.

For example, if you have a database of emails of interested people, instead of sending the same information to everyone in a standardized newsletter, you can automate it so that depending on how much time has passed since the lead was obtained, a certain type of information is sent to each so that each potential customer’s process is maturing in a personalized way. Although it is possible to perform this process manually, on a large scale it becomes very complicated and time consuming.

Another use of automation lies in the classification of leads with respect to their similarity with the ideal user, so that it becomes a parameter for the effectiveness of strategies and content.

These are just some of the many advantages that automation is bringing to the world of marketing, becoming a crucial part of marketing that not only facilitates but improves the quality of strategies to reach the market more effectively.

Víctor Ramos is a data analyst at Mijo! Brands, a leading creative digital marketing agency with offices in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta. Visit us at or contact us here.