Brand comunication

A Community Manager’s Job

By Mariana Palmero

September 08, 2017

Often when we think of a Community Manager it is easy to imagine a carefree young individual who spends hours and hours connecting with people online. It is mistakenly believed to be a half-hearted job because almost everyone is using social networks to entertain themselves and connect with their friends and family anyway. People fail to recognize a fundamental aspect of this job: professionalism.

I insist that this is a common mistake that many companies fall into because they think that any “millennial” – in a stereotypical sense – can perform this elementary function of digital marketing for any company. 

Personally, after a few months of occupying this position at Mijo! Brands, I can attest that professionalism is a very important factor for the success of any digital strategy.

Although my mom thinks that I spend the day on Facebook, my job is to manage communities of people that interact through different social networks, finding ways to connect with different audiences and ensuring the reputation of the brands in my charge. My role makes me responsible for the first impression of the brand for the users, I contribute content of value and I must give a solution to their needs.

On the other hand, we must accept that there is a wide spectrum of experiences that motivate customers to establish communication with a brand, from complaints and claims, to the resolution of doubts and of course, congratulations. In that sense, the Community Manager, as the first filter, becomes a barometer of the level of user satisfaction and must monitor all activity in search of opportunities that help to develop new products or adjust existing ones, launch promotions, grow the community, etc .; so a smooth communication with the marketing team is indispensable.

No one denies that cyberspace represents a very important part of a company's market and social networks are the key by which we can access the benefits it brings, taking advantage of the opportunity to become a recurring factor in the lives of our regular and potential customers.

Mariana Palmero is Community Manager at Mijo! Brands, the leading Creative Digital Marketing agency in with offices in CDMX and Puerto Vallarta. Visit us at or contact us here.