Brand comunication

How to Create an Effective Landing Page and Not Die Trying

By Ángel Estrada

December 09, 2016

A landing page’s purpose is to allow users to purchase or contract a product or service that is being offered without involving any information that may affect the possible purchase outcome. Although this may seem simple, a landing page must be designed with some key elements that come together in a harmonious way to get the message transmitted in an effectively in order to cause the user to perform a particular action.

Landing pages in terms of marketing strategy and brand positioning are generally one of two varieties:

There is no exact formula for the creation of a landing page, but it is necessary to include a few elements that facilitate interaction with visitors. In terms of information, it is a good idea to include descriptions that are easy-to-digest and reader-friendly.

Furthermore, it is important to be able to generate a content strategy adapted to user experience in order to achieve the objective. It is not enough when the content simply meets a certain quality standard, it is necessary to make the experience as pleasant as possible. Maya Angelou said it best when she described the importance of the experience over the message: “People will forget what you say. People will forget what you do. But you'll never forget how you made it feel.” This means that if the landing page provides a good experience for the user, you will be able to generate action and, moreover, the user will become a new medium of propaganda for your service or product.

Here I’ve shared a small guide that covers the necessary characteristics to will help you to design an effective landing page and not die in the attempt:

Our experience at Mijo! Brands, has made us aware of the importance of landing pages for the success in online campaigns of a product or service. Get in touch with us and see how you can best generate a strategy that will benefit your company.

Angel Estrada is Senior Developer of Web Interfaces at Mijo! Brands, a leading digital agency with offices in CDMX and Puerto Vallarta. Visit us at or contact us.