
Plane Crashes vs Online Advertising

By Jorge Chávez

February 11, 2014

The biggest problem that faces online advertising lies in the amount of clicks you receive from a banners, because users have become increasingly indifferent to website ads.

According to statistics published by Marketing Directo, you are 475 times more likely to survive a plane crash than to click on a banner ad. Or, to put it another way, 40 times more likely to have twins than click a banner.

Taking into account that clicks are not the only way to connect with customers, these statistics are making many rethink how to best invest resources in advertising.

For advertising efforts to take effect on the Internet it is necessary to use automated advertising and content marketing. While the first is very effective in boosting sales, the second adds creativity to this process. These two types of advertisements they complement each other perfectly.

Content marketing is a new way of classifying advertorials or sponsored stories on websites and automated marketing helps identify advertiser topics that are relevant and bring that content to the target audience.

In short, the indifference of users towards online advertising is best overcome with more relevant content and the right technology to expose it to users at the appropriate time and place.

How “allergic” are you to banners ads? Leave me your comments below and start the debate!

Jorge Chavez is Senior Editor at Mijo! Brands of Mexico.

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