
Improving the user experience by using graphs

By Andrés Ramírez

October 19, 2012

We all know what a graphic is, but only a few of us know how important they are when trying to represent data in a web page.

Our goal has always been to offer the customer a product that exceeds their expectations which is why we offer a wide variety of applications to improve the user experience on each of our pages. One of them is graphics. They express endless information through lines, vectors, surfaces or symbols in a visual way that is easier to understand.

Graphs can be vital for decision-making, some of the most important online sales sites use them all the time. How many of us have chosen a certain online shop based on their reputation or the quality of their products? Most of the time, data represented in graphs is the opinion of the buyers of certain product.

One of the most popular search engines has its own system of analysis to show results for users, content, social and mobile found in any web page, represented by short reports and understandable through graphs.

I am not saying that it is mandatory to have a graph on a web page. They should only be used when the amount of data is huge and only an overview is needed, but it is without doubt an indispensable tool for any developer.

Here's a list of my favorite libraries to create graphics:• GraphUp• Highcharts• Sparklines• jqPlot

Each one of them has its pros and cons, but they are great way to begin implementing graphics on your web pages. Highcharts visual effects are great, and you won´t have problems creating them as there is lots of information in the internet.

Andrés Ramírez is a Web Developer in Mijo! Brands Mexico.

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