
Facebook Gay Icons

By Michelle Mayer

July 09, 2012

In homage to equality, Facebook recently introduced new marriage icons focused on depicting same-sex couples.  Last year, the social media behemoth added “In a Civil Union” and “In a Domestic Partnership” as options to include in a user’s profile.

Following on the heels of this addition, Facebook has updated the marriage status. Previously, when Facebook users declared themselves as married a traditional male-female cake topper displayed on their profile.  Now users have the option of icons illustrating two men or two women to better define a marriage or partnership

Given its expansive user-base of 900 million, it was perhaps just a matter of time until Facebook created this inclusion. They are, however, to be commended for these and other gay-friendly moves. These efforts have been lauded by notable Gay and Lesbian organizations including the GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation). In addition in 2010, Facebook partnered up with GLAAD and other organizations to combat anti-gay bullying with the creation of the Network of Support.

Facebook’s new change hits close to home for the company with one of the co-founders of Facebook, Chris Hughes, using the new icons when he married his long-time boyfriend, Sean Elridge.  Among the over 2,000 “likes” following Hughes and Elridge’s announcement was one notable one from Mark Zuckerberg, the big honcho at Facebook.

Facebook’s updates have mirrored Apple who recently updated its iOS 6 to include gay couples expressing a variety of affectionate and relationship gestures it its “emojis” or text message image responses. 

Michelle Mayer is blogger at Mijo! Brands Mexico.

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