
Advice to live calmly through social distancing

By Bárbara Altamirano

March 20, 2020

The whole world is going through very difficult times with everything that is happening with the Coronavirus. I think in Mexico, the situation is getting more delicate as we do not have first-hand information about what is happening. It seems as if we are walking blindly. Unfortunately, and due to the low response from our government, we have to rely on the information that floods our social networks every day about what is happening in other countries, which is rarely encouraging, and contributes to feeding the vicious circle in which we are now submerged; we do not know what to do, what to expect, what could happen, and as a result we have our nerves on edge as they say.

It is this lack of information, this lack of response from our own authorities that is making us feel really frustrated, and uncertain. In addition to that, the quarantine that many of us are doing, the confinement itself, under these stressful conditions can be very damaging to our emotional health. For this reason, today I want to share some tips that I hope will help you get through this period of social distancing calmly.


  1. Accept your emotions.

Don’t judge yourself, it’s okay to be afraid, it’s okay to worry. We are facing a situation that we cannot control and the more we try, the more frustrated we will feel; accept that it is a difficult time and look for ways not to control it, but to cope with it.


  1. Take action.

The main way to combat stress and emotional uncertainty is to do something about it; The less we do, the more we are going to feel like the stress is eating us alive. You must be aware that the best thing you can do for yourself is to find a way to distract yourself or relax, don’t leave it for later, don’t dig into negative feelings or think too much.


  1. Meditate.

You don’t know how to meditate? This is a good time to learn how to do it, on YouTube you can find many tutorials that can guide you to learn this great relaxation technique. If you are skeptical, I invite you to give it a chance. Believe me, until recently I couldn’t even see myself getting control of my breathing and now I firmly believe that meditating is a great way to get rid of the emotions that are affecting us.

And if you know how to meditate, you will know that establishing a daily routine will help you accept your environment, the circumstances and to deal with it in the best possible way.


  1. Exercise your body and your mind.

Right now, more than ever, the Internet can be a great ally for you. You can find an impressive amount of tutorials and apps to learn great home workout routines and mind games apps that will help you relax.


  1. Find a hobby.

I know it is difficult, but try to see things in a positive way. Now you have the opportunity to do things that with the daily routine and the lack of time were not possible. How about picking up that book that you wanted to read so much? Maybe go back to your guitar practices? Exploit your painter skills?


Taking care of our emotional health is important. If you are in quarantine I hope this blog will be useful to you and, if you are one of the thousands of Mexicans who, due to different circumstances, cannot be quarantined, even if they wanted to, with all my heart I wish that every day you return safe and sound to your home.

At Mijo! Brands, a leading creative agency in digital marketing, with a based in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta, we have a multidisciplinary team that will bring your business closer to your potential clients and promote it through different channels. Take the time to get to know us and you will see that we will become your best ally.

Bárbara Altamirano is a Community Manager at Mijo! Brands. She studied Communication and Media at the Technological University of Mexico, with an empathy only comparable to her devotion for spelling. Faithful believer that traveling illustrates, therefore she doesn’t miss the opportunity to travel IRL or through books. Conversation lover, will always prefer a coffee to the noise of a bar, although she cannot fall asleep without music blasting at full volume on her headphones.