Policies in a company

By Juan Manuel Saucedo

August 23, 2019

First of all, we must define what a company policy is. This is nothing more than the understanding of the rules that govern the way of conduct by employees in a corporation.


Also known as organizational policy, this should be passed on to all members of the organization in a clear way. A way in which the most important points of the rules are contemplated, as well as the responsibilities that the members of the corporation must comply with.


When a company decides to generate or add a policy as a guideline to correct a problem that is repetitive, in that strict sense, it works as a general execution criterion that should complement the achievement of goals and ease the implementation of strategies.


It should be clarified that within the policies of an organization there are rules. These are the specific rules that must be followed in the tasks, behaviors and activities of the company in order to carry out the policy per se.


There are a wide variety of policies. However, I will mention two; The general policy, which applies to all levels of the organization and the specific policy, which is applied in certain departmental processes.


Basically, the benefits obtained by a company that has its policies clear and objective are:


•         It gives way to honesty and clear and open communication.

•         It ensures that there is an equal treatment of employees.

•         A business image is shown and it generates internal communication between all levels.

•         It is a resource that allows new employees to be located in their corresponding tasks.

•         Ensures transparency, learning, objectivity and trust.

•         It is basic and indispensable for an adequate delegation of authority.


It is important to highlight that, the organization’s policies should be constructed in a clear and simple language; Its wording should be precise, concrete and should not give way for ambiguities. Likewise, the policies must be modifiable and adaptable over time and open for maintenance.


At Mijo! Brands, a creative digital marketing agency with offices in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta, we have a team of professionals in all disciplines, which will enhance your brand taking it to the level you want.

Juan Manuel Saucedo is an administrator at Mijo! Brands and entrepreneur. Regiomontano at heart and vallartense by choice.